09 January 2006

More Interesting Knitted Things

The Victoria & Albert Museum's website has a section on knitted things that aren't garments. You can submit your own picture. I love the jellyfish1 and 2; must make one for Thing 2, whose room has an undersea theme. And Knatolee, there is a knitted cow sling! But the best is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, complete with link to the pattern. I posted about the FSM some time ago; you can read about it here.

The V&A site has other interesting knitting stuff, too, including patterns. Check out the Conrad gloves.

1 comment:

Knatolee said...

OH! OH! OH! This is just the coolest site... and it amazes me that there is more than just ONE jellyfish. Who knew jellyfish were so popular to knit?