03 May 2006

What's Up

The Clevelend Planned Parenthood is selling this clever jewelry. And while we're on the topic of jewelry, visit my sister's stuff at Etsy. This is the same sister who sent me this very strange llama link. There's a new issue up of The AntiCraft, complete with asparagus recipes. Mmmm. New MagKnits is up, too.

I was finally able to pick up my needles again last night after pause of over 2 weeks. But here's the problem: I also had 3 new Netflix movies waiting for me, and, due to some major queue miscalculation, all 3 have subtitles. I can only knit very slowly while reading subtitles. But if I don't watch all those movies quickly, impatient hubby, who didn't place any of them in the queue and who is anxious to see the next car-chase-blow-things-up flick, will send them back unwatched. So my knitting is once again proceeding, but not very fast. And I'm making a scarf, which made sense a month or so ago when I started and we were having unseasonably cool weather. But now it's in the 80's and we're using the pool already (no sign of the ducks again, by the way). I won't have much use for this scarf anyway for quite a while.


Knatolee said...

Ya know, I've heard that llama song before but mercifully, I had forgotten about it. Until now. It should be running through my head for the remainder of the day!

Phyllis said...

llama llama llama llama....