18 December 2009
Back from the dead?

10 August 2009

27 July 2009
Still Alive!
10 July 2009
Meanwhile, T2 celebrated Crazy Hair Day at school.
I am stuck with book revisions and emergency budget meetings. Bleh!!
30 June 2009
I'm alive!
25 May 2009
Student Video
14 May 2009
11 May 2009
07 May 2009
Ceramics FOs
Haven't had any pottery things to show in a while, so here's an odd little collection of ceramics projects. First there's this happy little guy. I'd meant him as a wall hanging, and he has holes in his head for nails, but he actually turned out to be a good size and shape ro become a cheese plate. But maybe I'm the only one who'd like to eat cheese off a skull:
03 May 2009
Ahoy, mateys!
28 April 2009
Yet another note from T2
Dear cusens:
Wat is your names? I wont to play with you. Can you have a play dat with
me? How old ar you? Wat is your favrit color? My name is [T2] I am six years
old. I have a sister named [T1]. Wate grad are you in? My favret couler is
My kids don't actually have any first cousins, and no relatives at all close enough for a play date. :-(
26 April 2009
Strawberry Pie!
This weekend we were gifted with a half flat of strawberries from the berry stand down the road. Several of us are berry fans, but even we can't eat that much, so tonight Thing 1 and I made strawberry pie. This is a recipe I got at a berry farm in Oregon in 1987. I know the year because it has the date on the recipe itself. It's a delicious pie, a fave of mine and Hubby's, but I hadn't made it for years. I forgot how good it is! T1 has announced it's the most delicious food in the world. T2 will have a taste tomorrow. Strawberry pie for breakfast?
1 3-oz. package of cream cheese
1 quart fresh strawberries
3/4 C sugar
1 C whipping cream
2 Tbs corn starch
1/4 tsp lemon juice
Blend cream cheese and 3 Tbs cream until smooth. Spread over baked pie shell. Wash and hull the berries. Set aside half (the prettier ones). Puree the rest of the berries with the sugar, cornstarch, and lemon juice. Cook the mixture in microwave on high for 6 min.s, turning and stirring twice, until mixture is thick and transparent. Pour 1/2 of puree over cream cheese mixture. Slice remaining berries in half and arrange in shell. Pour remaining puree over berries. Whip cream; add 1/2 tsp sugar. Top pie with whipped cream and chill. Gobble.
PS--The pink and blue spots in T1's mouth are fillings. Yes, they come in colors. Yes, we made sure she brushed her teeth well tonight!
23 April 2009
Even more satisfying, this morning I discovered the first HP book propped open in Thing 2's room. She told me her sister had let her borrow it. I asked T2 if the book was too hard for her (she's 6 and in kindergarten, after all) and she said no and proceeded to retell the plot thus far. Cool.
I can't tell you how pleased I am to have bred bookworms. :-)
20 April 2009
My Political Views
I am a left social libertarian
Left: 7.08, Libertarian: 6.28

Political Spectrum Quiz
My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -7.14

Political Spectrum Quiz
My Culture War Stance
Score: -9.64

Political Spectrum Quiz
17 April 2009
Water Rescue
Apparently, vampires don't float. Fortunately, they don't have to breathe, either, and the rescue was successful.
09 April 2009
Momentarily Sorta Cool
08 April 2009
Video to watch
It's at the central station in Antwepr, and it's really great. Nothing like this ever happens here.
02 April 2009
Grading is Fun
They would also patrol for African American semen that came from the North;
the semen would have to stay on the boat and were not allowed to walk on the
01 April 2009
Happy Day
And tonight I had ceramics class and made a big bowl and a spider tile.
28 March 2009
Another note
Dear Dad:
I wont to stay up lat. Asck Mom if she found me stayying up lat would she
be angy or happy. Is she ses she wold be angry, tell me thet she would be angry.
And if she sais she would be happy, tell me she wold be happy.
From: [Thing2]
To: Daddy
Obviously, I'm ecstatic when she stays up lat.
T2 had yet another birthday party to attend today, this one also 45 minutes away. But I didn't mind, actually, because it was at a park, and it was 78 degrees out with a tiny breeze, and I got to sit at a picnic bench and do some work on my laptop for 2 hours in perfect weather. The drive was down a bunch of country roads, and that's fun in my Mini. And all the cows and horses and goats have babies now, which is fun, too. We saw a big bunny, too. Plus, somebody we drove by keeps 3 camels (Bactrians--2 humps!) in a corral by the side of the road. I have no idea why.
26 March 2009
Ceramics things
24 March 2009
Here I am
I had a birthday last week. Got some great loot. Hubby gave me an espresso machine, which I'm very excited about, but haven't had time to learn to use. I could use intense caffeine. Thing 1 gave me her favorite book and coupons for things like cruises and a trip to Disneyworld. :-)
Thing 2 has had 5 birthday parties to attend in 7 weeks. Social butterfly kid. And they're all in the town where her kindergarten is, 45 minutes away.
The building next to my office has sort of a zig-zag roof. Today a pair of mallards kept flapping to the top of each peak, then sliding down the other side on their ducky butts. It was vastly entertaining to watch.
I haven't knitted in ages. I do have a couple new pottery pieces; I'll post pics soon.
07 March 2009
Hi there
21 February 2009
Dear Mom and Dad. Ples. Let me and [Thing 1] do wat ever we want. Pleas! If you
do I will give you geys hugs and kissis evry day and evry niht. From [Thing 2]
to Mom and Dad. And buy the way look on yuor bed now! And I men it!
She'd wrapped up a toy treasure chest in a kleenex and left it on our bed.
So, is this a good deal? We let her do what ever she wants and we get hugs and kisses every day and night. Incidentally, this is the same child who just this afternoon had a birthday party, attended by 15 kids, at the gymnastics place. Deprived kid.
12 February 2009
Today We Are Six
When I bought it, the lady at the store said, "Oh, this must be for someone else's kid." Sigh. But she was very happy with it and she and T1 and the neighbor kids spent a good portion of the afternoon outside, creating an impromptu marching band.
02 February 2009
San Francisco treats
26 January 2009
Legal Amusement
Just thought you ought to know that. :-)
The case, for those legally inclined, is Van v. Goldstein.
23 January 2009
Professor X is very organized, but only in his head.
Ha ha!
One year, when I was pregnant with Thing 1, an entire class of mine conspired, and every one of them wrote:
She's a great professor. Give her a raise because she needs more money to buy
My number one choice of all time, though, is a comment a student in my Psychology of Criminal Behavior class once wrote:
It's an interesting course, but there's too much psychology.
20 January 2009
Toothless Annie
Looks like the Tooth Fairy will pay us another visit tonight. Mommy the Dentist pried this one out with an ice chip. Oh, and don't blame me for the terrible bangs--those were self-inflicted.
19 January 2009
Home again
My camera decided that Polish winter weather doesn't agree with it, and a lot of my pictures turned out like this, or worse:
And this is Nowa Huta, which is just outside Cracow, and which we visited with the Crazy Communism tour:
It was built by the Communists as a steel mill town, and intended as a centerpiece of Communism. It ended up becoming the site of protests and an active location for the Solidarity movement. The square to the left is Ronald Reagan Square. Really:
This wall is outside a 17th century synagogue in Cracow. Another part of the wall had graffiti which said (in German, interestingly) "Jews out of Palestine." Some things never change.
17 January 2009
15 January 2009
Back in Warsaw
12 January 2009
11 January 2009
09 January 2009
06 January 2009
Furgood Marshall

05 January 2009
02 January 2009
Science Friday
01 January 2009
Happy New Year!
Had a quiet night last night. Hubby went to his friend's house for a poker game, Thing 2 turned in early, and T1 and I stayed up and watched the Twilight Zone marathon.
I'm leaving for Warsaw in a little over a week. I'm pretty excited about it! Have to dig up some of my warmest clothes, though.
Anyone know any good recipes for lemons? I have a good crop of Meyers this year. If you've never tried them, they're much better than the Eurekas you get in the store. Bigger and sweeter, with a bit of a floral taste to them, almost. Last year I made a nummy lemon custard cake, the year before that I mixed up some limoncello. Need ideas for this year!